Carb-Counted Recipes for Diabetes

To celebrate National Diabetes Week in June 2012, and in response to the popularity of our website monthly recipes, we published our unique book ‘Carb Counted Recipes for Diabetes’. From delectable desserts to comforting casseroles, this book gives you dishes to suit every occasion, taste and mood. You’ll find over…

Facilitation, Chairing & Presenting


Successful Diabetes can help you make the most of your precious time in a meeting, away-day or conference workshop. Tell us what you want to achieve by the end of your session and we will design and facilitate a programme to get you there! Just get in touch to start discussing your needs, or read on for all that we can offer you.

Our expert skills at keeping to time, keeping order and keeping the agenda on track will ensure your event meets its objectives and all the participants have a productive and enjoyable experience.


We have vast experience in chairing, and can bring our superior chairing skills to you. We can help with chairing meetings to make sure your agenda is met and that you and your colleagues develop measurable action plans as a result. We can also chair main sessions and events at meetings and conferences, ensuring that your audience gains maximum benefit from the topics under discussion.

Every meeting or conference is different, so why not get in touch to discuss how we can help make yours a resounding success?

Presentations and keynote addresses

Do you want to inspire and inform your staff or colleagues about diabetes, education, care planning, communication skills or empowerment?

Do you want a presentation that is a bit different, lively and practical?

Look no further - we have just the presentation for you!

Successful Diabetes has experience in presenting to audiences from 50 to 500 people, and always enable the audience to participate. Our evaluations consistently show that our audiences learn effectively and take away key messages. We have published extensively in the area of psychological and empowerment approaches in diabetes care, and on educational methods for successful learning. We have given invited, elected and keynote addresses in a variety of settings and audiences.

Why choose Successful Diabetes to be your facilitator, chair or speaker?

A worry-free event for you

If you are a team leader, manager or event co-ordinator, our facilitation or chairing means that you don't have to lead as well as participate. This frees you up to contribute your own experience and expertise during the event without being distracted by the organisational issues, so ensuring a worry-free event for you.

Cost effective

It's a cost-effective option - Successful Diabetes costs start at £1200 for facilitating up to 20 people for a whole day – that’s around £60 per person and includes a programme tailor-made to your desired outcomes, facilitation of the event, and a comprehensive write-up.

All you have to do is supply the people, the venue and refreshments, and we do the rest!

Costs for conference chairing and facilitating are subject to personalised proposal based on your needs - and we can guarantee you value for your all-important budget!

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can make your meeting, conference or away day a resounding success!




We tend to use the SD website and blog, our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts to keep you as up to date as possible with our exciting news and events. However, we also send occasional newsletters with special announcements, updates or events

We'd love to include you in our mailings! To add your name to our list simply sign up below and the next newsletter will drop into your inbox as soon as it's available!



We have written a number of books, have contributed to books written by others and have also published books written by valued colleagues.

Follow this link to see our complete range of books. You can also find out about overseas editions and how to obtain the other books to which we have contributed.

*STOP PRESS*! hold regular, site-wide sales, typically offering 10-20% reductions, which include all our books on there! When you make your choice below, follow the links to Lulu and check if there is a current offer and then simply use the code given at the checkout to grab your bargain book of great information and inspiration!

Books below are available from and



Workshops include SD books!

We're delighted to announce that relevant workshops include as standard a complimentary copy of the supporting SD book for each participant or participating team. This means extra resources to help with putting learning into practice and key references always close to hand!

Each participant will also automatically receive SD's fresh new certificate of attendance, either in hard copy or electronically - or both if you wish!. Please see the individual workshop pages below for details or consult the SD Workshop Booklist!

Read on for everything you need to know about SD workshops...

With us, you can hold the workshop of your dreams!

Our workshops are enjoyable, practical and cost-effective and use evidence based techniques, recently cited by the Health Foundation: '...Feedback and small group discussions are effective training strategies if they are learner-centred, practice oriented and last at least one day' (Ovretveit, J, 2012)

Follow the links from the 'Workshops' section of 'Working with Diabetes' tab above, for all the details...


Working With Diabetes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et porttitor turpis, vel euismod eros. Donec nulla orci, rutrum eget ligula sed, facilisis tempor mi. Integer metus felis, hendrerit vitae ornare eu, ullamcorper quis mi. Nulla fringilla sapien vel velit feugiat elementum. Pellentesque auctor congue dolor in condimentum. Donec adipiscing ipsum arcu. Mauris vitae ipsum scelerisque, aliquam ante vel, consequat sapien. Integer mi tortor, congue id blandit eu, auctor a magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed a dolor vitae augue suscipit laoreet at ut eros. Donec accumsan risus quis quam varius, elementum sodales ante varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Donec ligula nibh, pharetra ut nunc vel, semper egestas sapien. Aenean hendrerit, massa sed pellentesque sagittis, purus orci faucibus turpis, eu mollis nisl nulla vitae nulla. Maecenas eget metus vel mauris dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque malesuada euismod tellus. Ut in nisl scelerisque, vulputate nibh nec, ornare magna. Nam sit amet leo a magna commodo luctus et a nulla. Nulla sed nisl egestas, aliquet neque at, lacinia nibh. Ut fermentum id nibh sed facilisis.

Integer aliquet aliquam condimentum. Proin sit amet adipiscing turpis, sit amet tincidunt dolor. Ut pulvinar eleifend purus, eu porta leo volutpat id. Fusce cursus, enim nec dapibus scelerisque, tortor lectus bibendum lectus, sed aliquet nulla purus non mi. Morbi placerat vehicula sem, at imperdiet massa aliquet vel. Nullam hendrerit dictum augue, non varius leo. Nam sagittis odio enim, vel pharetra dolor consequat vitae.

Aliquam a porta purus. Etiam volutpat leo ut quam tincidunt sollicitudin. Vestibulum posuere risus vel felis vehicula auctor. Donec consequat mauris non justo malesuada, non volutpat risus iaculis. Nulla eget adipiscing nunc. Ut in nisi feugiat, hendrerit justo a, blandit odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum eget ullamcorper nisi. Duis sagittis facilisis erat quis viverra. Vivamus scelerisque laoreet quam gravida sagittis.

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