Successful Diabetes

Successful Diabetes

Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes: a guide for nurses and other health professionals

This book, published in 2008, is written primarily for UK health professionals, but it is also deliberately written in a jargon-free, straightforward style to make it understandable for anyone. It provides comprehensive information on pumps and pump use across a multitude of different situations. If you want to use pumps in your diabetes team, or if you are a pump user that wants to know more to help you in complex management situations, this book is for you.

Chapter by chapter, it provides:

  • What pump therapy is and national guidance on pump use.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of pump therapy.
  • Real-life experiences of pump users.
  • General insulin pump features and infusion sets.
  • How to set up an insulin pump service.
  • Assessing suitability for an insulin pump.
  • Matching insulin doses to carbohydrate intake.
  • Using an empowerment approach to pump education.
  • How to initiate pump therapy.
  • Setting and adjusting insulin pump doses.
  • Gaining good control of blood glucose levels.
  • Day-to-day aspects of living with a pump.
  • Using pumps for babies, children and teenagers.
  • Using pumps in pregnancy.
  • Complex management situations (illness, ketoacidosis, hospital admissions, renal failure, gastroparesis, cystic fibrosis).

Amazon review of Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes', February 2009 by Dr Jeremy Fletcher (UK) :

"The title modestly proclaims it a guide for nurses and other HCPs, but I'm a diabetes consultant and, as someone new to insulin pump therapy, I learned a huge amount by reading it. The author takes the reader from an explanation of the physiological rationale for the insulin pump, through the practicalities of setting up a pump service, and patient selection, and on to detailed explanations of initiating and optimising therapy. The approach is very much UK-orientated (unlike much of the literature in this area, which has a US bias), and is up to date (with the sole exception of not incorporating the latest NICE guidance). I can heartily recommend this volume for any diabetes healthcare professional new to insulin pumping."


Success with your Insulin Pump - A Successful Diabetes Handbook

This book, published in 2011, is written as a comprehensive reference for people with diabetes and those interested in pump therapy in the UK. If you need help to understand pump therapy and are nervous about getting started, or if you are still learning about your pump and want a straightforward reference guide to help you, this book is for you.

Chapter by chapter, it provides:

- An overview of what pump therapy is, with advantages and disadvantages, illustrated by both positive and negative quotes gathered from people using pumps.

- Getting your pump - where to start, details of what pre-pump assessments to expect, and other general preparation and planning.

- Getting started with your pump, including detailed information to help you calculate what insulin doses you will need.

- Early days with your pump, with many lifestyle aspects covered such as wearing your pump, dealing with psychological effects, infusion sites, and recording and using information from your pump.

- Highs and lows, providing help on how to deal with high and low blood glucose readings.

How to adjust your insulin doses and your ratios to deal with your day to day life, with real-life examples.

- Longer-term pump use, including ideas on how to experiment with your pump to get the best from it, and how to deal with specific situations including removing your pump, illness, alcohol, travel and physical activity.

- Frequently asked questions, covering many lifestyle issues that you may need the answer to.

Amazon review of 'Success with your Insulin Pump', February 2012, from Mrs O in the UK :

"I bought this book prior to starting on an insulin pump. It is written by an english author and I found the format much more to my liking than many of the american books.

It is simply written and easy to follow. It is not overly complicated and full of things that are not relevant when starting out.

I found some useful pointers and tips and am glad that I purchased it.

A lot of diabetes book authors could learn from this book, keep it simple. Starting on a pump has a huge information overload without adding much craziness to the equation.

Well recommended."

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