
Books (12)

Diabetes 'Forget-Me-Nots

Diabetes 'Forget-Me-Nots' is our first electronic book, published on 27 August! It's a short, concise and refreshing look at the day to day issues you face when living with diabetes and have to remember what the priorities are. Whether it's eating out, backpacking for a month or coping with illness…

Type 2 diabetes: your questions answered

200 pages, rrp £9.99 Our price to you - just £9.00 for a copy SIGNED BY THE AUTHORS, with FREE postage and packing to any UK address. You can also have a personal message added - just let us know at the time of ordering. To arrange payment and delivery…

The Successful Diabetes Handbook for Type 2 Diabetes

Living with Type 2 diabetes can be a challenge because everyday life rarely follows a text book or doctor’s orders! This book talks about what diabetes the disease means, but mainly about what living with diabetes means. It’s realistic, straightforward and inspiring and includes chapters on ‘The Role of Chocolate…
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